There's No Better Time Than Now

There's No Better Time Than Now

The majority of individuals in our culture today are so preoccupied with trying to arrange their life so that they may be somewhere else. We all desire to be somewhere else, whether it's in terms of geography, finances, or relationships. We desire to be somewhere other than here because we've been persuaded to believe that if we could only be somewhere else, our lives would be perfect. This escapist works like a narcotic, providing only momentary comfort from a long-term condition.

However, the truth is that right now is all you've got. Tomorrow is never guaranteed, therefore learning to completely live in and for the present is an important distinction to make in order to live a great life. Being appreciative does not imply that you lose your motivation or goal; rather, it permits you to take it easy and enjoy the journey. It's not only healthy to desire more out of life; it's also necessary to be fully fulfilled, and recognising where you are is crucial to achieving where you want to go. Using someday as an excuse to put off dealing with your issues will not lead to long-term success and fulfilment. Stop making excuses to make yourself feel better and start being honest with yourself. A little discomfort can make a big difference.A little discomfort can be really beneficial because it will at the very least motivate you to take action. You may always do something right now to make your dreams a reality. You can always take one modest step forward.

Your resourcefulness is one of your most valuable assets. This means you have all you need right now to achieve whatever you want, and you have the ability to act with exactly what you have and where you are. You do not need to wait until "someday when" or "when I am..." to act on your dreams and goals. The tiniest act of action can make all the difference since it makes your notion real right away and suffocates it afterwards because you used your willpower to intentionally take control.

It is critical to understand that the objective of pursuing a goal or a desire is not just to achieve it, but also to enjoy the process of reaching it. You travel for the sake of travelling, not for the sake of arriving at a destination. Whatever desire or goal you're seeking, you'll almost certainly spend more time pursuing it than really obtaining it, and most goals are a letdown when you do reach them. The ultimate fulfilment comes from the process, and the actual experience is what transforms you into something rather than accumulating anything. If you can't be happy and grateful without your objective, odds are you won't be happy and grateful with it as well.
Live in the moment, but have a plan for the future. Come celebrate and capture the magical moments of your life right here. Keep them as treasures you'll be able to carry with you into your glorious future. Life is not only lived but also created in the present moment. The greatest time to plan your next ten years is right now. Allow your thoughts and information to assist you in taking action. Your fate is ultimately determined by your actions. Move confidently in the path you want to go, and don't be fooled by the widespread assumption that things will come your way or that your luck will change sometime. You are the source and creator of your own wealth, and it all begins with a deep sense of thankfulness for everything you already have right where you are. One of the biggest advantages you have in life is that you can begin creating anything you want right now with exactly what you have since the ultimate resources to life are within you.
Although it may feel fantastic as a short-term getaway or excuse, living in a place called somewhere will not serve you long-term. Having to lie to yourself over and over that you will act on your genuine wishes when x, y, or z is just right will just add to your stress. When you change your "someday" philosophy to a "same day" philosophy, you may begin to acquire the mindset of acting on your ideas right now, with exactly what you have and right where you are.
What it comes down to someday and somewhere is that you erroneously concede to yourself that you don't have what you need. This gives the impression that you are not in charge of your life and must wait for something else to happen somewhere else before you can take responsibility. Despite your excuses, you will only gain full access to your genuine resources if you take action from where you are with exactly what you have. True happiness and thankfulness are defined solely by your assessment of where you are now, not by external circumstances. Now is the time to plant the seeds for the rest of your life.Plant it with delight, water it with gratitude, and celebrate your life because you are the one who created it.


Er Ramesh Marmit

नमस्कार, मेरा नाम रमेश मरमिट है, में पेशेवर के रूप में इंजीनियर, ब्लॉगर, यूटूबर और सामाजिक & राजनीतिक कार्यकर्त्ता भी हूँ, में विज्ञान की भाषा में कहुँ तो अगर ठान ले तो कोई काम कठिन नहीं होता है, साथ ही इंसान के पास कमाने के बहुत रास्ते है, बस कुछ मेहनत करनी पड़ेगी, सामाजिक कार्यकर्त्ता होने के नाते आपसे कहना चाहूंगा की मध्यम वर्ग का हाथ पकड़ कर चलने की कोशिश करें धन्यवाद् !

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